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Professionals specialised in complementary skills addressed to the Company and to the Entrepreneur, offer their consultancy directly at the offices of the Firm, in coordination with the other professionals of the structure.

For particular needs of the customer, the Firm interfaces and collaborates efficiently with the most qualified law firms and notaries operating in the field.

Giovanni Ricardi di Netro


Giovanni Ricardi di Netro, iscritto all'Ordine dei Consulenti del Lavoro, si occupa di amministrazione e gestione del personale per le aziende, con particolare attenzione rivolta alla costituzione e cessazione dei rapporti di lavoro, elaborazione dei cedolini paga e adempimenti correlati. Vanta una pluriennale esperienza al vertice di una importante associazione di categoria ove si è occupato di relazioni sindacali, tematiche di diritto del lavoro legate ad operazioni societarie, due diligence, contrattazione collettiva, politiche di welfare e gestione del conflitto. Ha svolto master e corsi abilitanti per la gestione della crisi aziendale, l'asseverazione contributiva e numerose attività di docenza. Oggi opera avvalendosi di collaboratori dello Studio tra cui consulenti del lavoro, avvocati giuslavoristi ed esperti nel payroll.

Eugenio Del Piero


Eugenio Del Piero, also through his own company "Promotion Development Investments - Pro.Dev.In. S.r.l.", has for years been carrying out consultancy activities for the benefit of industrial companies with the main focus on internationalisation. CEO of newspapers, multi-utilities and regional finance companies, he was Director of the Industrials Association of Udine from 1980 to 1990 and previously held the same role in Trieste.

Stefano Petronio


Stefano Petronio, member of the Order of Lawyers of Gorizia since 1993, carries out, together with his collaborators, legal advice on matters strictly complementary to those of the Firm. He operates mainly in the field of bankruptcy law, Merger & Acquisition and corporate and banking law.

Luca Del Medico

Quadra Research

Luca Del Medico with his own company "Quadra Research S.r.l." supports companies in the selection of the ideal candidates to cover key roles and specialist figures of managers, executives and qualified personnel. Thanks to many years of experience and to a great knowledge of the professional market, together with his team, he deals with the various issues and needs of selection in an effective and personalised manner, with the awareness that each reality has specific characteristics. The punctual and effective support to companies and candidates throughout the whole recruiting process, brings that added value necessary to obtain the best result, since only a properly assessed human capital can encourage the growth and development of each structure.

Simona Rossotti


Simona Rossotti e i suoi colleghi di MEG & PARTNER operano dal 2009 nell’assistenza alla partecipazione a bandi di finanziamento a fondo perduto regionali, ministeriali ed europei (contributi e finanza agevolata) per imprese e la pubblica amministrazione. L’attività è svolta sulla base dell’analisi delle necessità del Cliente coordinando la scrittura dei progetti di contributo e finanziamento, la presentazione delle domande, le attività di comunicazione e le rendicontazioni economiche e finanziarie.

Roberta Gallingani


Roberta Gallingani, chartered accountant enrolled in the Order since 2001, has obtained the diploma of Professional Coach in Business, Life, Sport, with a training program recognised by the ICF and AICP Associations in line with the Professional Coaching standards defined by the UNI Standard 11601: 2015. She carries out her activity alongside with professionals, managers, entrepreneurs and athletes who want to maximise their performance, creating an alliance to access the latent human potential and guiding them to achieve self-determined objectives of excellence.

Michele Zanolla

Wealth Advisor

Michele Zanolla is one of the most qualified Senior Private Bankers of the leading Italian bank. Enrolled in the Professional Register of Financial Advisors since 1993, he works as a freelancer providing the most appropriate Asset Management advice on investment services and capital management operations of companies, institutions or individuals.

Andrea Martra


Andrea Martra, through the company "Acquaforte S.r.l.", deals with organisational companies’ development with particular attention to quality certification issues, International Standards Compliance and Lean Organization in the industrial and service sectors. He is a contract professor of Business Statistics at the University of Turin and CEO of HalalTO. The latter being an academic spin-off of the University of Turin for business matching with the Middle East and the Gulf Area and a center for study and research on Islamic Finance and Halal compliance.